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Friday, February 21, 2025

CRL’s Fall 2024 Horoscope

Astrologer, tarot reader and life coach Chantal Marie shares what this season holds for Capital Regionites.

Aries  March 21 – April 19
We are deep into Retrograde season and it’s most definitely giving the message of slowing down and evaluating our recent choices and upcoming decisions and plans—most notably in the areas of long-term goals, close relationships and our daily habits. You are also being urged to bring some of those skeletons out of the closet because, quite frankly, it’s getting crowded in there and we need to clear some space. This is a time of transformation and transition and it may not be easy or comfortable but it is most definitely necessary. Put on your warrior armor and battle through the lessons. You will emerge the victor just as you always do.

Taurus  April 20 – May 20
In order to experience breakthroughs, we most often must go through breakdowns first. Please remember this as you navigate your way through this Retrograde season and the potential trial by fire(s) that could pop up unexpectedly. Questioning your beliefs, habits, goals and even your own self as a person can lead to some pretty amazing insights that are meant to alter the trajectory of your current path in positive ways. So go ahead and dive deep into the psyche of your life at this time; there is undiscovered treasure to be found that will reward and enrich your current and future experiences. 

Gemini  May 21 – June 20
Try not to mourn the ending of things too much; as one door closes, another one opens, dear Gemini. The Universe has a habit of clearing space for us even when we don’t necessarily want or see the need for it. When this happens, you can be sure that better things are headed your way. This is a time for you to specifically seek out your joy; what do you actually want to do versus what have you felt obligated to do? Spend more time on passion projects because aligned energy is found in what makes us happy. Allow the expansion of joy to be your guide and watch how it can unfold for you.

Cancer  June 21 – July 22
If it feels like your life is getting a reboot or new direction/start, then it’s time to embrace the process and lean into the chaos, sweet Cancer babe. Things are rapidly shifting, but keep in mind that the wheels have been turning for quite some time—and with your consent, if not your outright help. The change you have been seeking is finally taking shape and while it may not look exactly as you expected, it is what you asked for. And that’s a good thing because your highly intuitive self led you to this outcome. Trusting your ability to know what’s best for you is one of your many superpowers. So, ready or not, your new life is here to show you how good it can be.

Leo  July 23 – August 22
Sometimes, even when we think we have it all figured out, it turns out that the Universe has other plans for us. This may feel especially true right now as you navigate some tricky energies surrounding your career/long-term goals and daily/work life habits. Communicate clearly what you need from all this to help you to feel more stable and secure. Stay focused on the outcome you desire and not on which path will take you there. The details are still being worked out, so shift your mindset to everything “big picture” and let the unexpected doors of opportunity open for you. 

Virgo  August 23 – September 22
You’ve done so much expanding and growing over the past year; reflect on it all so you can know where the next steps in this journey will lead you. Anxiety and stress are not unfamiliar energies to you, but now is the time to evaluate how and where you can plan for actual fun and enjoyment in your daily life. And since planning is a fun activity for you, let this assignment be no different. Map out trips, look into those courses you’re interested in, carve time out for ice cream on a park bench. Focus on what brings you joy and integrate that into your everyday goal of being better.

Libra  September 23 – October 22
This is a time to focus on harmony and balance, dear Libra, as we will see the final eclipse in your sign before the nodes shift once again. Laying to rest old realities and even the outdated version(s) of yourself is the order of the moment. Don’t make any big financial investment decisions right now, as there are some behind-the-scenes shifts occurring that need to settle first. Soon you’ll feel a surge of energy and motivation to pursue your new goals as opportunities to do so may arise that will require you to step out of your comfort zone. Stay focused on your inner calm and balance and you’ll welcome this new chapter with confidence.

Scorpio  October 23 – November 21
If shadow work was an Olympic event, you’d win gold every time, sweet Scorpio. Your acute ability to dive deep into energies and topics that others shy away from is something we can all learn from. This time your focus will be highlighting and reflecting on the areas of life that are usually shrouded in mystery or cloaked in darkness. Subjects and emotions that normally are unpleasant to examine will demand a closer look at this time. Ponder and answer life’s deepest and most pressing questions to illuminate the way to your next great unfolding.

Sagittarius  November 22 – December 21
When life hands you lemons, you don’t make lemonade…you make limoncello, because nothing keeps a Sagittarius down for long, if ever! Life’s setbacks are clearly motivational setups for you and this time period is no different. When the foundation you stand on seems a bit shaky, find the loose bricks and replace them until you can feel safely stable once again. It’s not always necessary to demolish the entire structure; simple repairs are oftentimes the best solution. Use discernment when moving forward under less-than-ideal circumstances and conditions. Pause, reflect and evaluate on what is real and what is projection or judgement. Then keep it moving like the unstoppable beast you are.

Capricorn  December 22 – January 19
If you’ve been feeling nostalgic and revisiting your childhood memories more than usual, maybe it’s because you’re looking for confirmation for your current and future self’s plans. Studying the past can often help us understand the future, but while this is a helpful practice, it’s unwise to get so immersed in our previous experiences that we lose sight or focus on our current reality and future goals. Use the lessons from your life before to propel you forward and motivate you to achieve new heights that have been adjusted for the you that you are now. Growth is beautiful, dear Capricorn, and it looks so good on you. 

Aquarius  January 20 – February 18
There very well could be an exciting new opportunity coming your way during this time, and it may be just the thing you’ve been looking for. Restructuring your previously held ideals to better fit what’s currently aligned for you is going to be a very smart move on your part. Take a look at where in your life adjustments can and should be made in order to shift your world in small yet dynamic ways. Tap into the motivation lighting up your area of daily habits and health to get going on long-term benefits through small changes made now. Things are moving in the right direction; the next chapter is already underway.

Pisces  February 19 – March 20
Whatever struggles you’ve been facing recently are now coming to a close, leaving you free to move forward uninhibited and with renewed excitement for passion projects. You’ve been on the bench long enough observing, integrating, reflecting…It’s time put yourself back out there and play the game of life. Let your daydreams guide you to magnificent new adventures and watch how doors swing open with every leap of faith you take. Turning your dreams into reality is your unique skill set. Now’s the time to show everyone else how it’s done.

Chantal Marie is a full-time astrologer, tarot reader and life coach. Find her full list of services on her website: akashiccrystalhealing.com

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