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CRL’s July 2024 Horoscope

Astrologer, tarot reader and life coach Chantal Marie shares what this season holds for Capital Regionites.

Aries  March 21 – April 19  

When our grip on reality becomes a little loose, leaning into daily routines and habits can help to bring a sense of balance back to our lives. Remember this as you grow through the transits that are meant to shake your foundation a bit. How do you know what’s real and what isn’t? It all depends on what you choose to accept as reality. Don’t like how things are feeling or showing up for you? Switch up the programming and run a different script. Look at how you can integrate more joy and fun into your everyday life and build a foundation from there. 

Taurus  April 20 – May 20 

This may be a good time to reflect on your social circles and friend groups. Are they aligned with your values and beliefs? Have you addressed the old wounds left behind from past relationships and interactions? Putting the focus on you and your own values and priorities will help to bring clarity and healing to these areas. Returning to our roots and healthy foundations helps us to understand what matters most—especially when we feel lost in the sauce. Spending time with yourself or with a small group of very close friends/family will no doubt bring peace and realignment to your experiences.

Gemini  May 21 – June 20

Even the most social of butterflies need to recharge in peace sometimes. Finding solace in safe people and places is just what the soul calls for when the outside world gets to be too much, and this experience you’re currently in might feel just like that. Communicate your needs with yourself first and then let others in so that you may be supported and held properly. This time is meant to reveal to you what you really want out of your life and your relationships by stripping away the excess noise. Find your purpose in the peace and stillness of your inner self and you’ll find your life shifting outwardly to reflect a new perspective and direction.

Cancer  June 21 – July 22

Finding balance in your life between work, play, dreams and goals may be a bit tough at this time, dear Cancer. On one hand, financial standings may be pretty solid with money showing up steadily; however, your long-term plans for the future can be full of confusion and uncertainty. This is not the time to push the issue. Focus on what you can control, and allow the fog around your goals to lift naturally for eventual clarity. Reflecting on what you truly desire and how you want your life to be is exactly what this experience is for. Make adjustments accordingly and wait for the path to open up from there.

Leo  July 23 – August 22

There’s a lot going on below the surface of your beautiful and bold persona at the moment, and you may find yourself having to take a look at the skeletons you left to die in your metaphorical closet. But you are in the right energy space to deal with it all, so go ahead and clean house. This will feed directly into your boosted self-confidence and sense of personal pride. Taking care of old business clears space for new experiences to present themselves, bringing exciting opportunities for growth and accomplishments. As always, shine brightly and watch the world fall at your feet in admiration.

Virgo  August 23 – September 22

It’s in your nature to put others’ needs and concerns above your own—to the point of it being your preferred area of focus, which is why this time period could bring some challenges your way. Relationships may seem “out of reach” in ways that you may not be able to understand and address head on. Instead of allowing this to throw you off too much, turn your attention to nurturing and loving yourself. If you find yourself cringing at the thought, then this lesson is exactly what you need. In the midst of relational chaos, sharpen your own sword. It will go a long way in benefiting your relationships in the future.

Libra  September 23 – October 22

Your social calendar may be filling out more at this time and while that’s bringing more fun into your life, your routine and structure may shift as a result of it all. You might find yourself questioning or restructuring your daily habits and activities as well as challenging your ideals behind what is actually important to you in your close, personal relationships. This period of growth is meant to help you identify and clarify what you need and want out of your life and the people in it. What worked before may not be what works now or in the future—so take inventory and adjust as needed.

Scorpio  October 23 – November 21

This could be an interesting time period for you, Scorpio, as your interests could present differently now than they have previously. This could mean turning a hobby into something more, dabbling in new subjects that may surprise you, or even losing interest in areas that have long held your attention. This shift is meant to help you explore your desires and open you up to new opportunities and possibilities. It could even impact your future plans and social interactions in unexpected ways. Turning every situation into a positive experience, or at least a learning one, is your special skill. Find the pearls of wisdom in the shifting sands around you.

Sagittarius  November 22 – December 21

Have you been wondering where the love is? Well, wonder no more: it’s coming for you. We all know you are the embodiment of wanderlust, Sagittarius, and the transits coming up are going to make you feel every bit of it. Your current home and/or your foundational roots may feel unfamiliar or unsettling, and you may begin to question how your past or current situations have affected your future goals and if they are supporting or hindering your plans. Take the time to sort through the noise and don’t rush to judgment. Simply observe, investigate and seek to understand your motivations and feelings around what is showing up for you now. Once you’ve gathered the information, you’ll know how to proceed to find your groove again.

Capricorn  December 22 – January 19

You know the saying “run the day or the day runs you”? Well, you are about to get some turbo boosters added to your running shoes that will supercharge your daily activities and increase their return on investment. Your boldness is showing, Capricorn, and it is glorious! You are finally ready to face some deep-seated fears and conquer them in style. You’re ready to expand your world through new explorations, continuing education or even just shifting your perspectives for a different outlook on life itself. You may be required to return to some spaces and places that once felt restrictive or uncomfortable in order to fully move forward unencumbered by past experiences. It’s time to write a new story: Make it a good one.

Aquarius  January 20 – February 18

Because you like to do things in your own way and time, your spring cleaning era is hitting now. It’s time to ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” in regards to most everything in your life right now. Clearing out the clutter—and it’s mostly clutter, if we’re being honest—is going to give you so much more room to expand your energy and create a better environment for the things and people that actually matter to you. It will also help to open the flow of abundance as the energy of money doesn’t like to be restricted or confined. Do the dirty work now to reap the self-satisfaction that comes from a clean and clear life.

Pisces  February 19 – March 20

What is this life, really? Who are we in the grand scheme of it all? And does anything even matter? If you find yourself a little lost in space, it’s because you are in a deep self-introspection phase where your very existence may seem small or insignificant. The fact that you are capable of this esoteric analysis means you are the furthest thing from small or insignificant. It means you are brave enough to explore the depths of your own soul to find the answers you seek. What you come back to the surface with will most certainly be a foundational belief that you can hang your hat on and build your new world around. Time to evolve and morph into something incredible, sweet Pisces!       

Chantal Marie is a full-time astrologer, tarot reader and life coach. Find her full list of services on her website: akashiccrystalhealing.com

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