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Friday, February 21, 2025

An Affluent Life Is a Whole Life

Affluence is about so much more than money.

It is a life wholeness and use of our full potential. Affluence is complete alertness and command over one’s destiny. There is a natural tendency and capacity to create an affluent life in all of us. With this stated, a conversation with authoress Carol Tuttle brought some marvelous insights.

2019 can bring a further collapse of culture throughout the world, but it can also bring the most significant opportunities to build an affluent life, instructs Carol Tuttle. A good foundation for building affluence can always come out of times like these. Climates will continue as a “bigger” experience, meaning that our world gets bigger and bigger and noisier and noisier creating an atmosphere that can produce negativity. Carol feels strongly that this is a huge contributor to bringing us “down” in our daily lives.

How do we create an affluent life with all the noise? Vet your social media; she suggests and something that she practices all the time. Don’t let social media overload you with negative energy. Practice judgment prevention and do not be afraid to block people from your feed or even unfriend them if what they have to say creates negative feelings when you read it. The bottom line is we need to create our own space in the world. When something you hear creates a response of negativity within you, remove it immediately.
Stop the background noise in all areas of your life; it is everywhere and very invasive. She suggests spending more time out in nature and enjoying the silence from the busy world. We all have the freedom to create our own life, and we need to go forward in the new year resolute in our determination to do so.

Raising children
The single, most significant impact you have in your children’s life is the environment you create in your home. How do you and your significant other get along? Is there great stress or do you set a tone of relaxation and cooperation?

Anything that is going on in the world, in all matters of the world, we can as parents be highly influential. We can, and should show our children a way through the clutter. Kids can, and will build their own “community” to connect with and the tone we set in the home and the allies that we build in our children will help in determining the type of “community” that they build for themselves. You will want to be a part of building the community they affiliate with; Tuttle warns.

Carol’s advice is to listen well without advising. When your children are finished talking, ask them to tell you more. In that non-judgmental and thoughtful way, you will gain knowledge of what is in your children’s mind and know better how to help.

Concerning our health, we need to watch the words we use. When someone becomes ill, we take on the language of war. We battle cancer, and we are at war with our blood pressure while we shoot for better sugar level numbers. These are examples of the language of war and not of the love we need to pour into ourselves when battling illness. What causes disease? One concept she shared is dealing with past or current anger. Anger can literally make us sick. Carol advises that we need to address the anger we are carrying around and release it, to move forward in a healthy way.

Tuttle feels that gratitude needs to be our focus. Through repetition and commitment, we need to give full attention to gratitude and appreciation. She joyously stated that “appreciation always appreciates.” “Never ignore what has to be dealt with in your life. Don’t be a Pollyanna. Deal with the important issues but find positive energy when addressing them. Do what needs to be done and create the changes you need”. It is a strategy for change and indeed not a denial of the issues at hand.

Carol Tuttle is a teacher, speaker, energy healer, best-selling author of five books, and pioneer in the field of personal development. She lives outside of Salt Lake City with her husband, and has raised five children and now has 11 grandchildren. Her prequel to Mastering Affluence: 6 Lessons to Create a Life You Love is Remembering Wholeness. It took 35 years to write her latest book but laughs that the reader can do it a lot faster. Great advice as we head further into 2019.

Vikki Moran
Vikki Moran
Vikki Moran is a travel writer and the founder of the Grateful Traveler.

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