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CRL’s August 2023 Tarotscope

Great blessings are in store, courtesy of Jupiter.

Welcome to your summertime tarotscope! Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance, has moved into Taurus (ruler of love and money) for a year, so expect great blessings. Venus, the planet of love, will be in Cancer, so expect new relationships or healing in old ones. Here’s how each astrological sign may be affected:

Aries: 7 of Swords March 21-April 22

For those who feel they deserve an apology, you may be receiving one. Other Aries will be the ones apologizing. It’s OK to be cautious, but be open to trusting new people. 

Taurus: The Empress April 23-May 20

Use your power to help others achieve their dreams. You may receive rewards for all of the help you have given to those in need. Maternal energy is all around you; share that energy with others.

Gemini: 2 of Pentacles May 21-June 20

Decisions, decisions! Many changes are taking place to assist with a family situation or challenging career. Don’t fear making decisions—your first thought is always correct. If you don’t like the result, change your mind.

Cancer: 8 of Wands June 21-July 22

Life may feel like it is moving in fast forward, so take plenty of retreat time. Communicate well to those who are affected by changes you are making. Great passion is available, if you’re open to it.

Leo: Tower July 23-August 22

It’s time to leave the fast-paced world for a bit—slow down to smell the roses. A sudden or unexpected major life change may be in the works. Don’t fear it; embrace it. This change will bring peace!

Virgo: 5 of Pentacles August 23-September 22

Walk away from some challenging times, or toxic people or places. This chaos may have negatively impacted your finances temporarily. For many, there has been a deep emotional loss; take time to heal. Expect great abundance, and have strong faith.

Libra: Knight of Pentacles  September 23-October 23

You may have an offer from a young male that will bring good news, or an important contract may be finalized. This will improve your financial situation. Stay grounded and ready to start something new. Strive for balance.

Scorpio: Ace of Cups October 24-November 22

Expect warm and happy new beginnings, including perhaps a new addition to your family. Some will experience a new love affair or take one to the next level. Your creativity at this time will be very strong.

Sagittarius: 6 of Wands November 23-December 22

You will be recognized for your work accomplishments or home projects. Feel proud of the hard work you’ve put into certain ventures that needed your input; positive results will pay off. 

Capricorn: Queen of Cups December 23-January 21

This energy will bring out maternal love and creativity. A female figure will nurture you and help you navigate a challenge. Some Capricorns will find out they are expecting a new arrival!

Aquarius: 3 of Cups January 22-February 18

This is a social time with friends and family, including weddings—either your own or someone else’s. Party invitations and celebrations will be plentiful. Create more play than work for a change!

Pisces: Knight of Cups February 19-March 20

Romantically, this may be a great season—some will even receive an engagement or commitment. Compliments will be received or given when you least expect them. Expect a nice financial surprise!        

Sandy Menzer has professionally practiced her intuitive abilities for 25 years. She teaches and provides personal and group spiritual direction messages and readings by appointment. For further information, she can be reached at sanshaun@yahoo.com.

Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer is a self-employed spiritual intuitive.

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