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Spiritual Grounding: Finding Fall Balance

CRL's Alexx Bradley returns with some sage spiritual guidance.

September ended with a Full Moon in Libra, which is about finding balance in our lives as well as socializing and all things we find beautiful. This is quite fitting as, to my mind, October is the most beautiful month of the year in upstate New York. The leaves are nearing peak, the days are getting shorter, there is a chill to the morning air, and pumpkins dot the landscape at farm stands and on front porches. Our weekends are filling up with harvest and Halloween happenings, including hay rides, apple picking and haunted houses. Even for those who don’t always believe, there is no denying that the month of October is magical.

The first two weeks leading up to the Full Moon are about looking at areas of your life that long for change. For some this may be about letting go of things that are holding you back or just aren’t fulfilling you anymore. It is the perfect time to go through closets and attics and do some purging. As we grow, we change. You may realize that you have just accumulated too much stuff that no longer resonates with you. In Feng Shui, a cluttered home means a cluttered mind. More and more we are realizing that “our stuff” doesn’t define who we are and in some cases no longer serves our purpose, both literally or figuratively. But remember, this is about finding balance and creating balance. Sometimes, this “clutter” can be part of our professional or personal lives, or even relationships that are no longer healthy or serve our higher purpose.

Being autumn, we are pulling out the warmer clothes and adding warmer colors to our home, so it is the perfect time to do some purging of your physical space. As for the more personal relationship issues, this is more of a time to take stock and be honest about what is important to you and your well‐being, but perhaps not the best time to make drastic decisions regarding friendships or relationships. With the Full Moon on October 13 in Aries, the writing is on the wall. No matter what the issue is—from love, and friendships, to work and the stuff you never thought you would part with, you will see clearly if it benefits you. If it is time to part ways, you will let it go.

If our clutter pertains to relationships, this Full Moon’s importance is twofold. All Full Moons are about letting go, but this moon in Aries, a sign not associated with being overly emotional or sentimental, will allow us to be objective with our decisions. This will allow us to let go, and heal or move on from that clutter.

During the two weeks between the Full and New Moons, continue to make a conscious effort to let go and to purge. If all you let go of are old grudges and old resentment, then you have taken the first steps…after all, they are no healthier for you than Halloween candy! The last two weeks of October are spectacular, the overall energy high. We are in the mood to get out and socialize and do all things Halloween. We are also building up to the New Moon in Scorpio on the 28th. Intuition becomes more powerful during this time, so trust what you feel. The Scorpio New Moon, being associated with deep thoughts, psychic ability, those that have crossed over, and re‐incarnation, arrives perfectly timed to three days before Halloween. This is a perfect time to go to holistic or psychic fairs, or make an appointment with your favorite psychic or medium.

All Hollow’s Eve is the day that the veil between this side and the other is at its thinnest, allowing those that have crossed over to walk among us. In folklore we bury potatoes or other vegetables and leave food out for souls that are crossing over or under on this night.
October ends with a few tricks, rather than treats, up its sleeve with Mercury going retrograde on the 31st. Expect a few tricks, or at least mechanical issues, over the coming weeks.

Alexx Bradley
Alexx Bradley
Alexx Bradley is a longtime contributor to Capital Region Living.

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