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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Spiritual Grounding: Finding Faith This Fall

Mindfully move through autumnal change to transform discomfort into peace.

As we unwind from this beautiful summer, we watch the leaves turn vivacious colors as Mother Nature creates her masterpiece. Just like the tree that changes its leaves into beautiful red‐orange and yellow hues, we too are working through many intense developments. Births, aging, deaths, new relationships, old relationships, moving to a new home, relocating, or going to college or back to school, are all impactful life transitions.

With change, however, often comes discomfort, a sense of unsettlement, or even an ache. This is temporary of course, but still difficult. Embracing these progressions is the best way to work through them to make the process feel less hurtful. We do not grow spiritually without the pain of transition, whether it be emotional or physical, including the agony of watching others suffer.

How can we minimize anxiety and stay calmer and more secure?

Strong faith in a higher power or deity is one of the most helpful ways to face these situations! Praying, meditating, or just asking your angels or departed ancestors for support will bring comfort.

By changing our mindset to waking each morning, grateful for what we have instead of dwelling on what we don’t, our vibration level rises. We are sent assistance for our dreams to manifest when we ask, believe, and be prepared to receive! While waiting, we must assist others when they are in need.

Another way to manage this discomfort and make these changes less painful is to tap into your creative mind and spend time pursuing a hobby, discovering a new one, or reading…after all, knowledge is power!

In my opinion, fall is the most beautiful time of the year to take a hike and be outdoors, grateful for what the universe provides. What a great time for sightseeing, researching, and visiting a new, soon‐to‐be‐special place. Upstate New York is one of the most beautiful scenic places all year round!

Wishing everyone peace and harmony during this beautiful September!

Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer is a self-employed spiritual intuitive.

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