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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Spiritual Grounding: Manifesting Your Wishes and Dreams

What to bring into your life and routine that can make your dreams come true.

Can you believe we are already embarking upon the second half of 2019? Time flies when we’re having fun and working hard! The summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, is June 21st this year! Many ask, “What does that mean?”

According to AskAngels, “The solstice is a natural way to reconnect with life’s divine plan and to feel a deep connection to all of life and the natural world. Reflecting on your journey is a wonderful way to celebrate the solstice… honor and celebrate your unique journey and the inherent cycles within walking a spiritual path and living a human life as well.”

Earth’s journey for us is not always an easy ride, as one of my favorite mentors, Tracy Fluty (a professional psychic medium) taught me! I believe our presence on Earth is an opportunity to learn, grow and to develop on a higher spiritual level!

Much of my entire life, I have studied to learn ways to make the path easier. Life’s challenges are many, but it is not what challenge we receive, rather how we handle it.

The concept of Ask, Believe, Receive (The Secret) has worked very well for meeting my life’s desires and also for many others I’ve met along the way.  I believe each one of us has great power to create and manifest the life we choose. There are many ways to make it happen by just being more aware of the signs around us!

The following are ideas to implement into your life and routine that can make your dreams come true:

• Ask, and you shall Receive when you Believe!

• Have faith in the higher power within you and trust it.

• Keep your words and your thoughts positive as it is our subconscious that creates our true reality!

• Create good karma (what we give out, we receive back) by being kind and patient. A random act of kindness is a great way to create positive energy in this world!

• Learn to trust, love and respect yourself and others while remaining grateful for the many gifts inherited and that surround you; Mom taught me: treat others the way you wish to be treated.

• Never judge those around you. You don’t know why they are acting the way they are. Keep an open mind.

• Dream big…anything is possible if you put your mind and effort into it and believe!

• Create balance in your life! Make time for work, plenty of rest, fun, family/friends, exercise, giving and receiving as well as eating healthy (your body is your temple, honor it.)

• Be true to yourself and others; honesty gets you everywhere. Be compassionate to others!

• Work hard; play hard!

• Always remain humble and smile often! A smile creates positive energy towards others, which is contagious!

• Take time out each day to “just be” and pray and or meditate to The Divine (your deity.) Talk to your angels,  spirit guides, and ancestors who watch over us! They await our requests and protect us from the other realm.

• Receive as much knowledge in this lifetime as possible; knowledge is power!

• Embrace, versus fear change! We cannot grow here without change. The more we resist it, the more difficult life becomes! It’s all about energy movement!

• Spend time with individuals who lift you up and support you and make you feel safe and comfortable.

• Detach from negative thoughts. It’s the “stinking thinking” that creates fear, and can lead us down the wrong path and delay our dreams!  Try to release from the fear energy that surrounds us each day due to the challenges we all have. In reality, there is nothing to fear and always a solution! Be aware of where you are focusing your thoughts and energy as this is how we create our reality!

• Spend time in nature as much as you can! Look for the signs around you! This is a great time to receive the answers within that you need.

• When in doubt or fear, call upon your angels, they are always awaiting our requests! Archangel Michael is the angel that protects us!  Archangel Raphael is the healing angel!

• Mastery of one’s thoughts is the key to enlightenment and feeling empowered. Buddha taught us the path to Nirvana; a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering,  desire,  nor sense of self and where we are released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. The goal is to learn to love with detachment!

• Find your passion, turn it into a business or a mission and run with it!! Get outside of yourself and give your gifts to others. We all have so many natural gifts to share!

• Make a decision when necessary, take time if possible and ask your angels to assist you. Procrastination is a manifestation of fear. Not making a decision can also create a lost opportunity.


I believe one of the most difficult challenges in manifesting our wishes is to learn to be patient enough to know that everything we need will come to us in Divine timing, not when we think we should have it!

It is a great idea to pay attention every month to when the full moon and the new moon occur.

During the full moon, we feel the shift of energy more acutely because the energy of the full moon helps us to identify and make the changes needed to improve our lives for our highest good. In other words, having the strength to let go of what no longer serves us, and to stop dwelling on a past that we cannot change. Many of you will notice during a full moon people seem extra sensitive and emotional. This is because the moon energy rules our emotions!

The new moon is the best day to sit down and meditate and pray for what you would like to manifest and create in your life! You will be amazed at how much quicker you will receive your wishes. Be careful what you wish for and be clear in your intentions!!! Writing down your dreams can also help create the new opportunities and wishes you requested. The more positive you keep your thoughts and words, the more exciting new opportunities you will create for yourself and others!

Wishing you all a fabulous summer! Enjoy each day, live in the moment, and always look for the joy around you!

Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer
Sandy Menzer is a self-employed spiritual intuitive.

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