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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CRL’s Winter 2025 Horoscope

Happy birthday, Aquarius & Pisces!


March 21–April 19

The new year is bringing so much depth to your world, sweet Aries. The quest to find and really understand yourself begins by digging deeper into your inner psyche and foundational beliefs. You can expect to feel really empowered and confident while at the same time experiencing minor identity conflicts. This is meant to align all aspects of the newly integrated you; the last couple of decades were a set-up for this triumphant come-up. Don’t be afraid to look into your shadowy closets for pieces of yourself you hid or lost along the way. It’s time to let all of you into the light for the recognition you deserve.


April 20–May 20

A new sense of direction can emerge now and guide you to open pathways that you may not have thought of before. Your social life will take a more prominent role as you are learning to discern who and what is actually good for you. You may take a spiritual journey and look into your inner (and outer) circles of friends, networks and relationships and come to some surprising conclusions. Outside of this, you’ll be feeling a bit more like yourself as a sense of control returns after a time of learning to let go and go with the flow—a most comforting thought for a practical Taurus.


May 21–June 20

You are being green-lit and it’s full steam ahead for success and confidence, Gemini loves. The Universe is most definitely on your side and ready to launch you into your best life yet. You have the drive, motivation, knowledge and experience to make your big dreams and goals a reality; you’ve been preparing for this moment for a while and it’s finally time to take action and apply yourself in the jack-of-all-trades way that is your specialty. Expect nothing but the best and watch how it all falls into place as your future path develops into one that is even better than what you’ve imagined. Enjoy the accolades, accomplishments and recognition that are sure to come your way during this time.


June 21-July 22

As a notorious homebody/homemaker, this time can present you with some challenges, dear Cancer. What does “home” really mean for you? Is it a place? A person? A feeling? Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your own beliefs and shift or expand on them in new ways that may surprise even you. The time of contemplation is designed to provide you with the answers to questions that have not yet been asked of you. Reflect on your innermost thoughts, fears, dreams and desires. Soon you will be positioned to take action on new opportunities and experiences that have been created through this period of searching your soul for the definition of what life needs to look like.


July 23–August 22

They say to get it while the getting’s good, and that most definitely applies to you at the moment, lovely Leo. It’s time to collect on all the things owed to you and reap the benefits of the collective good deeds you’ve been spreading around to others. We absolutely love this for you because it is so well deserved; as the representative of the life-giving force in our Universe, the Sun-ruled Leo is widely recognized and always appreciated. So soak it up and open your arms wide as you ready yourself to receive unexpected blessings from others. Let the world give you a taste of what it’s like to be in a Leo’s favor; it’s a truly beautiful place to be.


August 23–September 22

Love, intimacy and long-term commitments are all in the air for you now, my sweet Virgo babies. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself ready to settle down and commit to sharing your life with that special someone. If you aren’t currently involved, you may encounter soulmate connections at this time and/or be in the mindset of calling in your future partner because the energy is in full support of your love life right now. You are one of the most romantically inclined signs (with Pisces in your house of relationships), so go ahead and throw caution to the wind and embrace the impracticality of love. Let life sweep you off your feet and be in love with love.


September 23–October 22

If you’ve already been feeling the urge to get yourself together (physically and routinely), then you are ahead of the game. This rush of motivation to organize your daily habits to create the lifestyle and reality you desire is pushing you to actual greatness. With consistency and dedication, you won’t recognize yourself in just a short amount of time, and others will be inspired to follow suit. This time is meant to push you to your greatest potential in molding your everyday life for long-term success. You will also find yourself ready to face challenges and obstacles that used to send you running in the opposite direction. Claim your power and reshape your world.


October 23–November 21

Get ready to feel inspired and energized in your processes again, sweet Scorpio. It may feel like it’s been some time since you had the urge to dip your toes into the proverbial creative waters of unadulterated joy and happiness, so let this energy sweep you up and take over any and all blocks you may have put into place. It’s time to pursue your passions once again! Your specific magic is such a gift to the world; hiding it away is a tragic disservice to others. The next big thing could be poised to emerge from your ideas/hands/offerings. Sink into the joy of being a creative being and allow the Universe to inspire your works.


November 22–December 21

Thinking about your place in this great big world is a favorite pastime of yours, isn’t it? At the end of it all, where do you hang your hat? Where is your heart’s home located? The contemplation of the big picture as well as small details is a never-ending quest that requires constant reflection and reevaluation. This season will help you gain clarity and perspective on the elusive truth of your continued journey. Further defining what to do in your daily life will also bring you closer to understanding what it all means for you. Every step so far has helped to shape the path you walk; looking back on it will show you how to proceed ahead. The future is defined by you. Full steam ahead.


December 22–January 19

It feels like you’ve been at the mercy of the Universe for quite some time, doesn’t it? Left with no choice but to ride the waves of turbulence and hope you can piece together the clues, your survival mindset has kept you afloat for long enough. Let’s leave the uncertainty behind and enter into an era of understanding, applying the lessons and experiences to your approach as you navigate this portion of your journey with practicality and open-mindedness for what could be possible. Being out of control teaches you how to find blessings in disguise. Now is the time to marry your natural intellect with your learned trust in your intuition.


January 20–February 18

The transitions coming your way need a solid foundation to build upon and that is exactly what this current energy is here to help you with. How can we successfully set up a secure and safe environment in this material world so we can be free to focus on the major shifts pushing us towards expansion and growth? It’s time to TCB (take care of business) and prepare yourself accordingly. Invest in your peace, however that looks and feels to you. Mostly, it will involve battening down the hatches and patching up any cracks in your areas of finances and physical security and comfort. Do the necessary work so that when the winds of change come blowing, your ship can withstand any storm.


February 19–March 20

Ooh, Pisces babies….It’s your time to glow up! Are you ready to have your identity, self-worth and overall personal style experience an upgrade? We are heading towards your main-character moment; your dramatic reveal is loading. Use this time to reframe your character, your story, your life. You are a lump of unmolded clay right now, teeming with unlimited potential and endless possibilities. It’s an exciting opportunity to truly make yourself as you wish to be. So the question is: Who do you desire to become? What version of yourself is ready to emerge from the cocoon that is slowly falling away? We can’t wait to marvel at your beautiful new wings.  

Ed Burns, an actor, filmmaker and author known for writing, directing, producing and acting in The Brothers McMullen, is a former UAlbany student. He’s also an Aquarius who will celebrate his birthday on January 29.

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